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Widely Applications of Centerless Grinding Machine Introduction

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We live in the age of automation, where the place of the human workforce is actually taken over by the machines or robots. We humans have now developed machines that can do the heavy work. In addition, these machines are durable and can work with repetition (which is difficult for humans as repetitive tasks can be boring), a machine can work faster and more accurately than humans. Today, we will be looking deep into a machine that is known for its precision; Centerless Grinding Machine.

Grinding Machines

Grinding Machine:

As the name tells, a grinding machine is used for cutting or grinding something. These tools require extreme precision in manufacturing. These machines, which are also known as “Grinders”, produce workpieces with high surface quality, the accuracy of shape and dimension and make holes in these pieces of metals to create tools. The precision can vary from machine to machine but to give you an idea, we must say that it is around 0.25 to 0.50 mm. Grinding machines help in removing high and low quantities of metal from a workpiece.

Centreless Grinding Machines:

There are many types of grinding machines; the major difference in them is the processes they use for grinding. When focusing on Centreless Grinding Machines, we will discuss how centre-less grinding machines work.

A Centerless grinding machine consists of two rotary wheels which keep the workpiece in place and does not allow any movement. These wheels are rotating in the same direction but at different speeds. One of these wheels is fixed on an axis and is known as "Grinding Wheel". As the name suggests, this wheel is what does the grinding job on the workpiece. The other wheel is known as the "Regulating Wheel", and as the name suggests, it is always in motion. Its work is to trap the workpiece with a rubber-bonded abrasive. In addition to these 2, there is a work-holding platform, which is where the workpiece is stationed. The comparison of the speed of the two wheels is what gives the grinding action. Including several centreless grinding machine manufacturers, some of the famous names are Nissan, Jainnher, Danobat, Bhagwansons, Solitaire Machine Tools Ltd., Supertec Machinery Incorporated, Koyo and more.

Applications of Centerless Grinding Machines: 

Applications of Centerless Grinding Machines are immense. They mass-produce the common workpieces and can be used to produce special pieces as well.  Some of the workpieces that can be produced to the precision through centreless grinding machines are mentioned below:

· Different types of circular pumps which are used in home heating, aerospace fasteners, valve seal inserts, dowel pins and etc.

· Shouldered pins

· Mass market pieces (Bearing, bolts, needles, pivots, values, axles, shafts, hubs and etc.)

· Rotors

· Balls

· Isolators

· Cylinders

· Tubes

· Bars


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