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What Is a Valve in a Car Engine?

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We all know that cars cannot work without an engine. But how many of us know that the engine has valves and that they are extremely important for the working of a car?

What exactly are the valves in a car engine?

A valve in a car engine is a device that controls the passage of air and fuel in the engine, with one being the intake valve that allows for the intake of fuel and air into the cylinder and the other being the exhaust valve that allows for the gasses to emit the chamber. The intake valve is bigger than the exhaust valve.

The function of a car engine valve

The valves in the car engine have multiple purposes, the most important one being that they allow for the intake of both fuel and air. Then the exhaust valve emits the burned gasses out of the chamber.

Number of valves in a car engine

The number of valves in a car’s engine has a direct effect on the performance of the engine. If lots of small valves are fitted onto a cylinder that has a bigger area it will allow for the steady breathing of the engine. It means more fuel and air will pass through and hence will result in high power for the engine.

Car engine valves

Installation of valves

It is of utmost importance that the valves in the car engine are correctly installed, if not it will affect the service life of the engine owing to the thermal and mechanical stresses on it. The valves also need to be checked for their compatibility with the engine in terms of size and it should be made sure that they are not broken or bent.

Importance of a valve in a car engine

In layman’s terms valves is serious business. It won’t be entirely wrong to say that they act as a gatekeeper for the fuel and the air that enters and exits the engine. Imagine the stress on the working and efficiency of the engine if the burned gasses can’t emit the combustion chamber.

The lifespan of a valve

There is no correct answer to this question. Though theoretically, any valve that is very old can wear out, in spite on how well it’s been made and how well it’s been maintained. If there is oil leaking despite regular oil changes then a trip to the mechanic is in order. Once damaged the replacement cost for the valves can be anywhere between $800-$1500.


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