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What is the difference between the four valves engine and six valves engine?

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Engines are the most important part of anything that needs to derive energy from a combustible source. Engines were originally invented back in the late 1800’s and had been evolving ever since with new technologies emerging. Engines run on basic thermodynamics laws. They extract work but getting the energy by blasting small amounts of air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber.

Categories of Engine

Engines have complex geometry, and the fun fact about engines is that even the minutest of detail is important in it. If a centimeter of length is altered drastic changes in the outcome of that engine can be expected. We can distinguish engines in two main categories one is an IC engine or internal combustion engine, and the other is CI or compression ignition engine. Engines once categorized this way can be further categorized into smaller categories depending upon their valves the way they are aligned and so on.

Difference between four and six valve

Four valves engine or commonly known as the V4 engine are engines which have four cylinders inline or in other words cylinders that are placed in a single straight line. The other type which is to be discussed here is the six valve engine or commonly known as the V6 engine. V6 engines are configured in a compact “V” shaped geometry.

Historically they have been used by American automobile manufacturers because they are considered to provide huge amounts of power and are still light and compact enough to fit in a car. Americans always preferred muscle cars over other cars which can is obvious by looking at most of the American built cars like Dodge Charger and Mustang.

Japanese on the other hand preferred the V4 engine which is more fuel efficient and environmentally friendly. It was only in the starting of this century that Americans realized that with the hike in the fuel prices V4 engines are much more reasonable to use.

engine valve types

A deeper analysis

If you care about the environment, you should buy a hybrid car but if you can’t afford it try buying a V4 engine rather than a V6 because carbon emissions by a V4 engine are way less than that of a V6 engine. Concerning the eventual fate of the V6, as of late the uniqueness between 4-cylinder and V6 motors has decreased significantly.

To stay aware of the interest for high gas-mileage and lower carbon emissions, automakers have worked steadily to enhance the general performance and efficiency of V6 motors. Many of the latest V6 models now match the gas-mileage and emanations principles of the smaller, 4-cylinder motors. The performance and efficiency gap is narrowing down so maybe in the coming years it would be the same buying a V4 or a V6 vehicle.

Engine valve making machine is used to help mold the shape we want of the valve. Engine valves manufacturing machine helps cast then forge the valves to get a stronger and much resisting valve. Engine valve manufacturing machine makes custom-built valves using custom-made castes. An engine valve manufacturing machine plays a pivotal role in valve making if it’s not as efficient as it should be the outcome can result in valves that are offset and cannot function properly in an engine.

Which engine you want to buy depends on what your requirements are, so if you are looking for a muscle car and you don’t care about the mileage or efficiency buy a V6, on the other hand, buy a V4 for a cost-effective package.  



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