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When automobile engine noisy, how to do?

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Automobile engine noise, how to do?
When the automobile engine noise, what can we do? Now, lets Suzhou Tianzhijiao Precision Machinery Co.,Ltd tell you:
1. The valve leakage ring
Valve leakage ring in the valve outside. Evident during high load, low speed. noise enhanced with the increase of load. the main reason is that in the ream valve seat, due to improper operation or the valve guide hole wear ranks, the valve seat skewed or small valve clearance, lax the valve ablation caused valve is closed and a flat ring.
Solve method: Remove the cylinder head, grind the valve, check valve spring force, to adjust the valve clearance.
2. Valve knock ring
Occurs when the engine idle speed is running between the end of a valve rod and its drive continuous beat, with the increase of rotational speed and the enhancement, the engine temperature change or break fire sound no change.
Main reason
1) (locking adjusted valve clearance is changed, the valve stem and driving between wear), the valve is not adjusted.
2) Valve adjusting screw and lock nut loose, valve clearance is too large or inconsistent.
3) Valve spring seat wear and tear up the slot, valve rod and tube wear nothing.
Solution: To adjust valve clearance, if the lock nut on the adjusting screw loosening should be secured, replace the worn parts.
3. Valve seat ring, valve seat off
Valve seat surface roughness, machining accuracy is unqualified, seat of the improper interference quantity matching loose, improper material selection in after hot deformation is too large, or valve seat inlaid with process requirements.
Solution: In accordance with the requirements for assembly process to set with a valve seat, on the face and body surface flush, to make the above parts. 


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